
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2015

Blessings, bounties and bestows of Commendation:

(Dr. Abbas Ali, Wah Cantt.)

The Holy Names of Allah have been revealed in the Holy Quran, Psalm and Torah. Besides this people of different religions call Him with the names as per their beliefs. All the names are Attributive except one. Allah’s own name is “Allah” which is the combination of attributive names and it is “The Powerful Name.” Many people don’t know about the powerful name. It is revealed in Surah A’alaa “He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself.  And mentions the name of his Lord and prays.” Moreover, “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” (Al A’a raaf, 180) “So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me do not deny Me.” (Al Baqarah, 152)

The Kind Allah has ordered many times for His commendation. Namaz, Fast and Hajj are included in commendation. Commendations are of two types. One is the commendation recited by tongue and listened; it is also adopted in the spiritual factions. The other one is the commendation recited by heart. The mother of Muslims Hazrat Aisha (R.A) narrates the saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that the commendation by heart is 70 times more than the commendation of tongue. Therefore, many people recite commendation by heart. Its blessings, bestows and bounties are also additional. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent Hazrat Maaz (R.A) for preaching to the people of Yaman as a leader, when the time of separation arrived the Holy Prophet (PBUH) advised him that at the time of death your tongue should be busy in the commendation of Allah. It is in one of the sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that there are four such things if you get them you certainly have got the blessings of this world and of the hereafter. Firstly the tongue which remains busy in commendation, secondly that heart which remains busy in thanking to Allah, thirdly the body which is capable of bearing hard work and fourth thing is that wife who does not defalcate in her mortification and in the wealth of her husband.

Hazrat Abu Zar (R.A) says that those people will enter in paradise joyfully whose tongue remains fresh with the commendation of Allah. It is a hadith in Tirmazi, Ibne Maja and Bahiqi that Once the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to his companions that shouldn’t I tell you the thing which is the best thing in your deeds and is too much pious to your lord and increases your grades and is better than spending gold and silver as charity and is greater than you kill your enemies (in Jihad) and they kill you, the companions said do tell us, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “it is the commendation of Allah.” Somebody asked to Hazrat Salman (R.A) what is the greatest deed? He (R.A) replied that have you not studied the Quran? It is in the Holy Quran, “Nothing is better than the commendation of Allah.” The author of Majalis e Abrar says that in this hadith commendation is said better than charity, jihad and all worships because the main objective is the praise of Allah and all worships are its sources and tools. Commendation by heart is meditation and the thought of heart and it is desired. It has been revealed in the hadith, that the pondering for one Ghari (Approx 24 minutes) is better than the prayer of 70 years. Hazrat Sahal (R.A) narrates from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that the commendation of Allah becomes seven lac times greater than spending (wealth) as a charity for the sake of Allah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) says that there are many people who recite commendation of Allah in their soft beds in the world and because of it Allah sends them in the higher status of paradise. (Muslim, Hayyan)

Hazrat Ibne Abbas (R.A) says that there are eight doors of paradise and in which one is only for the praising people. It is in another hadith that Allah (Jallah Shanuhu) loves the praising person. It has been narrated in Bukhari, Muslim and Bahiqi that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the one who praise to Allah and the one who doesn’t praise their example is like an alive and a dead i.e. the praising person is alive and not praising person is dead.

It is narrated in Hadith-e-Ebrani that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that if a person has a large number of rupees and he is distributing them and the other person is busy in the praise of Allah then the person busy in praise is better. Tibrani & Bahiqi has narrated the hadith of the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) that the residents of paradise would not regret on anything after entering in the paradise except those moments which they would have spent without praising the Allah in this world.

Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) said that whoever of the people gathers for the commendation of Allah and their aim is only the happiness of Allah then an angel announces from the heaven that you people are forgiven and your evil deeds have been converted into good deeds. (Ahmad, Abu Ya’ala) it is in the hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that in comparison if there is another gathering in which there is no praise of Allah then this congregation would be cause of regret and sorrow.

Respected Readers! I feel sorry for those people who wasted their days and nights, minutes, hours, seconds, weeks, month and whole lives without praising Allah and in this era most of the people remain busy in committing big sins e.g. useless wandering in markets, being busy in T.V, SMS and internet. And often it is observed in travel that on the journey of 300 miles, the people remain busy in mobile or in vulgar movies.

If somebody says in the bus to stop the movie then the passengers of whole bus stand up and say, “Haji Sahb! You should travel in another bus in which there is no T.V.” O! The man of Allah it is the dangerous journey of life, there should be commendation of Allah in it. It is the story of 1972 that in a Kohistani coach a beautiful old man was traveling and was reciting commendation, he asked the conductor to stop the bus because he had to go to toilet. He asked him many times but all in vain. When the bus reached near Kharian Cantt. Suddenly the tyre of bus blasted and bus was near to be inverted but escaped and the conductor fell out of the bus at a large distance and was badly injured. The old man shouted that whosoever wants to go toilet he may go now.

It is narrated in the hadith that if you are unable to work hard at nights and cannot spend money due to misery and could not participate in Jihad due to cowardice then he should recite the commendation of Allah abundantly.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (R.A) narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Allah has not obliged anything on man without limit and after that He has not accepted man’s excuse apart from His commendation which has no limit and nobody has been considered as paralyzed after he gets wisdom. Therefore, it is the saying that Recite commendation of Allah abundantly, at night, in the day, in forest, in river, during travel, in poverty, in prosperity, in illness in low voice or in loud voice and in every condition….. Hafiz Ibne Hajjar (R.A) has written that it is narrated from Hazrat Usman (R.A) about the saying of Quran [SPACE FOR ARABIC TEXT] that, that was the plank of gold and there were seven lines written on it, whose translation is;

  1. I am amazed on that person who knows about the death but still laughs.
  2. I am amazed on that person who knows that this world will be eventually destroyed but still have its attraction.
  3. I am amazed on that person who knows that everything is due to fate but still feels sorrow for the loss of a thing.
  4. I am amazed on that person who believes the accountability on the day of resurrection but still saves the wealth.  
  5. I am amazed on that person who knows about the fire of hell but still commit sins.
  6. I am amazed on that person who believes in Allah but still talk about anything else.
  7. I am amazed on that person who knows about the Paradise but still gets comfort from this world.

It is also written in some places that I am amazed on that person who considers the Satan his enemy but still follows him. Hazrat Jabir (R.A) narrates the saying of the Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) that Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) kept on asking me for the commendation of Allah as much that I started feeling that nothing would benefit me except the commendation.

Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) became orphan in his childhood, and then he lived with his uncle. He embraced Islam and hid this from the family. When his uncle came to know this he got him out from his house leaving no clothes on his body. Mother was also bored of him but still she was a mother and she threw a thick sheet of cloth towards him. He tore it into two pieces and covered his pudendum by one piece and put the other piece on him. He reached Madina Munawra. He used to lye at the door of Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) and used to recite commendation loudly. Hazrat Umar (R.A) said that this man is deceit therefore he recites commendation in this way. Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) said, “No, instead he is in AWABEEN (Irredentist).” He passed away in the battle of Tabook. The companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) i.e. Sahaba (R.A) saw a light burner near the graves, when they went closer and saw that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was standing in the grave and was asking to Hazrat Abbu Bakar Siddique (R.A) and Hazrat Umar (R.A) that get me hold your brother. The both persons got the Holy Prophet (PBUH) hold the dead body. After burying him the Holy Prophet (PBUH) prayed, O Allah! I am happy with him, be happy with him as well. Hazrat Ibn e Masood (R.A) says that after watching this scene I wished that it would be my dead body. It is narrated in one hadith that some people are like the keys of commendation so that when their face is seen then commendation is recited, means you get remember Allah. It is narrated in another hadith that the person who weeps with the fear of Allah, can not enter in the hell unless the milk should come back in teats. It is in another hadith that if a person weeps with the fear of Allah so that some of his tears fall on the earth then he would never be anguished on the day of resurrection.

It has been narrated in a hadith that the hell is forbidden for two eyes, first is the one who has wept with the fear of Allah and the second is the one who has been remain awaken for the security of Islam and the Muslims from the nonbelievers. It is in one hadith that the person who recites commendation in aloneness is like as if he has been departured alone to fight with nonbelievers.   

Dear Readers! Quran has ordered many times for the commendation of Allah and its benefits and blessings have been described in many ahadith.  Do spare time for the praise of Allah along with the worldly things. After Tahajud, Ishraaq, Chasht and obligatory prayers recite praise of Allah at least for a while. Do commendation loudly or by heart, it is better to do by heart which is 70 times more, if you recite few times then it would be written for 70,000 times. Your works of both worlds would be eased.




Often companions ask me that what act have you done, and I tell them that faith---Remember! Only faith is that power which creates a power to act. How would strong faith be obtained and for this, it is necessary to do true repentance from the sins. Regularly perform salah, use halaal and those things which are obtained through fair means, find a spiritual guide for yourself so that you can find your destination in his guidance and whatever acts he tells you should act upon them and keep your guide informed of your situation. Inshallah you will get power of faith and it will be easy for you to do the prescribed acts.


Special act of Surah Muzammil


This is such an act which has many worldly and religious benefits and the biggest benefit is that one sees respected Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his dream. If this is done permanently then its benefits will also be permanent and everlasting. First of all problem of lesser income goes away and one starts getting wealth. Ways of obtaining knowledge open up and everyday spiritual progress reaches its peak. This is such a holy spiritual act that first of all learn Surah Muzammil by heart, it is better that memorize it with some Qari Sahib with correction of grammer and koma, full stop etc. so that no mistake is left and when the new moon is there and it is its first Thursday, recite Surah Muzammil with 11 times each darood-e-Ibraheemi before & after and again recite Surah Muzammil 11 times at the time of sleep but by heart so as the tongue is stuck to the upper mouth, firstly, will start getting good news the first day. This act should be continuously done for 41 days and alongwith this act ‘Ya Mughnio’ is to be recited 1100 times.


If with this act Prophet (PBUH) is seen in a dream with good luck then one should be grateful of Allah SWT who awarded this honour. You continue this spiritual act and ways for knowledge will open up. I also got the honour of seeing Prophet (PBUH) due to this act, and I saw in my dream that a person is cooking in a big pot at the door of a religious Madrissa (school) located in our hometown. I ask this person that why are you cooking in the huge pot and he says that Prophet (PBUH) is about to come. After a little while Prophet (PBUH) comes and I ask Prophet (PBUH) that why have you come here and Prophet (PBUH) replies that I have come to this Madrissa (school). Face of respected Prophet (PBUH) was shining like a bright full moon.


Another Dream: There is a door by the name of Bab-e-Abdul Aziz outside Baitullah Sharif (Holy Kaaba). I meet a pious saint over there and I ask him where are you going and he says that I am going to listen to the sermon of our mother Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua (R.A) and she gives sermon inside the baitullah. I am going to listen to it. We were doing this conversation that our mother Respected Hazrat Ayesha R.A. comes and puts her hand on the shoulder of this saint.


When 41 days completed of this act, an extremely good looking spiritual slave of this blessed Surah who was wearing a green crown on his head appeared on the thumb of my right hand and after this I saw frequent extremely nice dreams, doors of knowledge and wealth kept on opening for me. Remember, continue this act permanently, Inshallah all the problems will be solved. Once I lost my mobile and I went off to sleep while reciting Surah Muzammil and said that my mobile should be returned back to me and I heard a voice saying that you will be given your right on the Day of Judgment and I got satisfied. Due to blessings of this act, I got innumerous religious and worldly benefits.




(Zohaib Ahmad Hashmi)


Respected Hakeem Sir, Assalam-o-Alaikum: I present before you an essay relating to evil eye which is based on my years and years of research and experiments. It is a humble attempt, may Allah (SWT) accepts it and it becomes a reason for my better eternal world. Ameen.


If one has to worry about any one thing between magic, Jinnat and evil eye then it should be evil eye. The more immediate harm it causes and the extent to which its bad effects are long lasting and the fatal an attempt of evil eye is, before me nothing else has such bad effects.

 Once my respected teacher called me to his house who himself is hafiz-e-Quran, scholar and a spiritual practitioner and runs a religious Madrissa


Said that for the past many years wife of teacher of our Madrasa (religious School) is extremely sick, there are signs of magic and Jinnat and even with continuous treatment no success ois obtained. I have tried everything possible but her sickness is getting worst. Further investigation revealed that Hafiz Sahib who was treating her since many months and he himself and his slave Jinnat including were fed up with the treatment, said that you look into the matter and give advice. May be this mystery is resolved through you. I requested him to pray and started meditation. ALLAH SWT merely with his mercy gave me the knowledge and it was revealed that this lady is not a patient of magic and Jinnat but is suffering from evil eye. When some jealous person puts his evil eye then all the spiritual and natural defense system is ruined. She falls ill again and again and becomes a target of magic from wandering Jinnat. Actual problem is not of Jinnat and magic but is of evil eye. I told them this fact and reminded of the way for relief from it. The lady patient was lying unconscious in the same room and her husband was also present there. Hafiz Sahib recited an extremely powerful recitation on water and some of it was given to her for drinking and the remaining was thrown on her by her husband. The moment the Dum water fell on the patient she became conscious and started praying for us that after many months she felt peaceful and conscious.

Once my mother had to go somewhere for condolence, upon returning she fell extremely sick, within few hours the sickness became so intense that we got worried for her life. Mentally she was semi conscious and physically drained out and restless - - - whatever medicine we gave did not effect at all. Two days passed like this, suddenly a thought crossed my mind that it might be a different matter. I asked her whom did she meet over there or did something worth mentioning happened over there? She said that some ladies asked about the well being of my household and asked that who takes care of the household, I said Alhamdulillah, I do – I smiled and told her that you are suffering from evil eye. She said son who would cast an evil eye on an old lady like me? I said that I will do Dum on you and if there will be evil eye, Insha’Allah it will go away. And you will be absolutely alright. With her permission, I did a very powerful act of immediate effect at the time of Asar and Alhamdulillah by Magrib she started walking again and by the time of Isha she was absolutely fine and as reward I got many prays and loving smiles.

My younger brother who is a medical student came home during his holidays and told me that brother, I stay extremely sick and all my tests are clear and professor doctors of my college are unable to comprehend the real cause of this sickness. I concentrated and told him that there is jealousy and ill intention also with jealousy. Our father was listening to our conversation and told me to provide benefit to your brother with korukia (A spiritual act for relief from the effects of evil eye). I requested him to give me permission to send back the jealousy and ill intention towards the jealous person so that he does repentance and stops in future and whoever he is ALLAH SWT gives us relief from him. Upon getting permission, I started the recitation / act with the intention to return back the evil eye and ill intention and completed the act in the proper way, upon completion of my act, my brother started feeling better, only few hours passed by that my father received a complaint on telephone in which he was told that your son Sohaib has read very strong recitations for me due to which I am on fire etc. My spiritual guide has pointed out your son, stop him. Father came to me smiling and said the person who had casted the evil eye has been traced. I told the younger brother that if you want to be safe, keep on doing this act as if you leave it, you might suffer some loss.

Definitely there is evil eye but how---!

Readers! Have trust that there is evil eye and people think of it as magic, Jinnat, TB, cancer, mental illnesses and all sorts of illnesses. Business is ruined, looks and health affected, worries in the house, quarrels and hurdles in education but actually it is evil eye. Spiritual practitioners tell that it is Jinnat but, actually there is evil eye and if it is not treated, it leads a person towards the graveyard. Allah’s Prophet (PBUH) has forbidden us to kill our brothers with evil eye. For God sake! if you feel that you have effect of evil eye then recite the prescribed recitations. Words of Masha Allah and Barakallah should be uttered again and again. Now the question arises that how would we know that our negative waves are about to ruin a person, I asked this from a spiritual person and he started telling that if you feel astonished by the beauty of something or your heart sinks by looking at the success and wealth of somebody, meaning that if you feel tied up at a place in the body where ribs and stomach starts or have a feeling of shock then, this is the time when you are about to ruin somebody. For your jealousy, astonishment or evil eye, immediately pray for barkat for that person otherwise you will be treated as a criminal before Allah SWT. Please be scared of Allah SWT as evil eye’s effects are more intense and deep than the magic.

Readers! Over here I will inform you of a very powerful and tried out prescription to dissolve the effects of the lethal arrows of evil eye but, before, I will tell you an easy sign of recognizing it so that it is easy to diagnose. Following are the signs of effects of evil eye and if any of it, is present in you, then you

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